Infrared Scanning
Infrared scanning detects a rise in temperature, thus allowing it to be used in a variety of applications, including during normal operations.
Infrared scanning is used to scan building envelopes, electrical components and connections for excess heat. When there is a presence of heat, this indicates resistance. In turn, cause of this resistance is most often related to failing components, poor connections, corrosion, load imbalance and/or harmonics.
Many benefits can be derived from infrared scanning including:
Infrared scanning is used to scan building envelopes, electrical components and connections for excess heat. When there is a presence of heat, this indicates resistance. In turn, cause of this resistance is most often related to failing components, poor connections, corrosion, load imbalance and/or harmonics.
Many benefits can be derived from infrared scanning including:
- locating potential problems prior to plant start up;
- reduced downtime and emergency repairs;
- reduced labour required for preventative maintenance by locating specific areas that require repairs;
- minimized scheduled maintenance times;
- extended equipment life;
- increased reliability of plant power distribution system;
- permits the evaluation and verification of repair work;
- prevention of accidents, personal injury and property damage.